Saturday, March 20, 2010

This to shall pass

Not sure who really reads this blog and not really sure where to start...what a rough 2 weeks!!! I have been praying and praying for peace and understanding in my heart.
Long story short...had a miscarriage last Thursday. I had started spotting the week before (on March 5) and went in for blood work. Me levels came back with progesterone being low but my hcg level high. I went back on March 8 for more blood work and my progesterone and hcg levels had both went up but progesterone was still low so I started medication. Todd and I went on March 11 for an ultrasound and saw that there was no heart beat and the sac was almost gone as I had been spotting for days. I went out of town that day with mom and Aunt Nandy to get my mind of things and to celebrate Aunt Nandy's birthday. I had already been preparing myself for the miscarriage when I first found out my levels were low. But, I did get my hopes back up when I found out that had went up at the appt on the 8th. I could not help myself in question why but I found some peace in knowing that things just were not right for some reason.
Then...this week they realized my levels in my blood were still going up. My doctor called me Wednesday morning while I was at work and said I need to come in immediately. They did another ultrasound and I had very clearly had an ectopic pregnancy. Not sure if it was twins or if what I lost last week was just an extra embryo sac...there was no way to know for sure. So, I was told to be at the hospital the next morning for surgery. I had to have a D&C of my uterine tissue, they removed the pregnancy from the tube, and then removed almost all of my left fallopian tube. The tube was completely blocked and I was going to keep having these issues as long as we continue trying to have a baby. We knew I could not emotionally or physically go through this over and over. Many people have babies with just one tube but it has been emotional for me because it can make it more challenging. It has been an emotional roller coaster anyways because my levels are so high and my body still thinks I am a hormonal pregnant lady! I am extremely sore and have 3 incisions and then they went in "down there" (sorry of that is too much info) as well. My stomach looks horrible...swollen and bruised...and I am very tired.
Please pray for Todd and I. I do not want to form a hard heart with all of this or get into the mindset of things not being fair. God has a plan for us and I have to trust him fully. My aunt is here today and mom just left. I have had so many thoughtful phone calls, emails, cards, and even flowers! I am off work through the end of the month so I have some time to heal. It has been a rough 2 weeks but I am very thankful they realized things before my tube exploded. I know this to shall pass and we will be stronger because of it.


  1. Oh Brittany, my heart breaks for you and your husband. It is awesome to see your faith through this, though. Praying for you guys and can't wait to see how God works! By the way, my mom only had one ovary, and one tube and my dad had some issues and they still had 2 kids! Remember that ALL things are possible with God!

  2. I read your blog :) and am thinking of you and praying for you.
